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Sitara IT Park, Canal Road, Faisalabad


+1 -800-456-478-23

Cloud ERP
Software For Beauty and Cosmetics Business

Our (Beauty and Cosmetics Shop Software) is a comprehensive solution designed to meet the unique needs of retailers in the beauty industry. This specialized software offers modules for inventory management, sales tracking, customer relationship management, and accounts management, providing a unified platform to streamline operations. With advanced features like real-time analytics, trend forecasting, and inventory optimization tools, the software empowers businesses to stay ahead of rapidly changing beauty trends and consumer preferences.

Software Features

The features and modules of Beauty and Cosmetics Shop Software are:

Purchase Management

Inventory Management

Accounts Management

// Software Modules & FEATURES

Purchase Management

Problem Statement:

Constantly evolving beauty trends, seasonal fluctuations, and the introduction of new products make accurate demand forecasting and inventory planning complex. The diverse and global nature of suppliers in the beauty sector adds layers of intricacy to procurement, often resulting in logistical hurdles and potential delays.

Solution: Our Beauty and Cosmetics Shop Software offers tailored solutions to address the intricate challenges of purchase management in the industry. With advanced analytics and real-time market insights, the software empowers retailers to anticipate and respond to fast-changing beauty trends, enabling precise demand forecasting. The system streamlines procurement processes by providing seamless communication channels with diverse suppliers, reducing logistical complexities and potential delays.


Purchase Order Voucher

Purchase Invoice voucher

Purchase Return Voucher


Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Sales Management

Problem Statement:

The constant introduction of new products in the beauty and cosmetics retail business and rapid shifts in beauty trends make it challenging to predict and respond to customer demands effectively. Managing diverse sales channels, including brick-and-mortar stores and online platforms, adds complexity to tracking and coordinating sales activities.

Solution: Our Sales Management Module within the Beauty and Cosmetics Shop Software is designed to tackle the industry-specific challenges faced by retailers. With advanced analytics and real-time tracking, our software enables beauty and cosmetics businesses to stay ahead of rapidly changing trends and accurately anticipate customer demands. The module seamlessly integrates with various sales channels, providing a unified platform for monitoring and coordinating sales activities.


Add new customers

Sale order voucher

Sale order selection voucher


Sale voucher

Multi sale vouchers print

Sale return voucher


Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Date wise, Account wise, item wise, UOM wise, Transporter wise etc.
Salesman wise, Party wise
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Inventory Management

Problem Statement:

Inventory management in the beauty and cosmetics retail business poses significant challenges due to the industry’s fast-paced nature and diverse product lines. Managing a wide range of beauty and skincare items with varying shelf lives adds intricacies to inventory control, leading to the risk of overstocking or stocking out of popular items.

Solution: Our Inventory Management Module within the Beauty and Cosmetics Shop Software provides a user-friendly interface for monitoring diverse product lines, managing varying shelf lives, and optimizing stock levels. Integrated features such as automated reordering and supplier communication streamline procurement processes, reducing the risk of stockouts or excess inventory. Moreover, our software facilitates the tracking of product lifecycles, aiding in the prevention of obsolescence. 


Chart of items

Freight assigning to transporter

City defining

Warehouse / location/departments defining

GRN (Goods received note) /Inward Gate pass voucher

Return outward voucher


GIN (Goods issue note)/Outward Gate pass voucher

Return Inward voucher

Stock Transfer voucher

Item conversion voucher


(Date wise, Account wise, PO wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, SO wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Location wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Date wise, Account wise, Location wise, Item wise, user wise etc)
(Location wise, Item wise, Category wise, Sub category wise)
(Location wise, Item wise, Category wise, Sub category wise)
// Software Modules & FEATURES

Accounts Management

Problem Statement:

The beauty and cosmetics retail business encounters notable challenges in its accounts management system, primarily stemming from the diverse and complex financial transactions inherent to the industry. Managing multiple revenue streams, such as sales from physical stores, e-commerce platforms, and promotional events, adds complexity to tracking and reconciling financial data.

Solution: Our Accounts Management Module within the Beauty and Cosmetics Shop Software enhances budgeting and cost control by offering real-time insights into financial data, empowering businesses to make strategic decisions in a highly competitive market. With a user-friendly interface and compliance features, our software provides beauty and cosmetics retailers with a comprehensive solution to their accounts management system challenges, ensuring financial accuracy and facilitating effective financial management.


Opening Balance Voucher

Cash Payment Voucher

Cash Receipt Voucher

Bank Payment Voucher

Bank Receipt Voucher

Cheque Issue Voucher

Cheque Receipt Voucher

Debit Note

Credit Note

Journal Entry Voucher


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